Group A: Individual worksop tasks
Task 1: Apply design and illustration skills to produce character models and sets to be used within a stop motion animation.
Task 2: Document your production process with snap shots.
Task 1: Employ Stop Motion Animation techniques to realise a planned sequence.
Task 2: Document your production process with snap shots.
Dillon B
Task 1: Employ Stop Motion Animation techniques to realise a planned sequence.
Task 2: Document your production process with snap shots.
Task 1: Employ Stop Motion Animation techniques to realise a planned sequence.
Task 2: Document your production process with snap shots.
Task: Review the results of your stop motion audience feedback survey, and present your findings as a written blog post illustrated with relevant quotes, data snaps shots or screen grabs of the sequence itself.
Task 1: Read over your report on audience feedback to your "game Mash-up" and extend any areas which you feel would benefit from additional comments. Pay particular thought to aspects which the audience loved and how you might use these in future animation work.
Task 2: Employ Stop Motion Animation skills to develop your showcase animation.
(Show Case) Session Objective: Employ specialist techniques to develop work showcasing skills within your chosen creative field.
Task: Apply image editing and blog design skills to refine your online portfolio show case. Pay particular attention to the selection and organisation of images to evidence specific skills (see your skills audit list).
Task Apply film production skills to produce documentary footage of your music production work suitable for use in a showreel.