
Monday, 20 November 2017

Group B (With Jane) Individual Project Development Tasks

Learning Objective: 
Be able to produce original imagery in response to a brief.

Task 1: Complete your planned shoot of the post-16 vocals session
Task 2: Back up your shoot on your G-drive.

Task 1: Identify your strongest images of each shoot completed to date and copy this to a 'finals' folder on your G-drive.
Task 2: Ensure that contact sheets and brief notes for each shoot completed do far are on your blog.
Task 3: Complete risk assessments for at least two shoots (ask Jane)

Hand in your assignment 1 power point by emailing it to Jane.
Task: Continue work on the panels of your comic book.

Dante & Courtney: 
Task 1: Complete your storyboard.
Task 2: Collect background imagery needed for your comic (ensure images are at least 1500 pixels wide). Place this in a folder on your G-drive and share it to Jane for printing.

Hand in your assignment 1 power point by emailing it to Jane.
Task 1: Roughly sketch out a storyboard of your narrative. If necessary add notes explaining background imagery, shot types, dialogue etc.
Ext: Collect background imagery needed for your comic (ensure images are at least 1500 pixels wide). Place this in a folder on your G-drive and share it to Jane for printing.

Group A (With Mark) Individual Project Development Tasks

Learning Objective: 
Be able to ideas and designs for Graphic Narrative.


  • Task 1: Use the resources provided in your box to complete your characters. Photograph these final stages of construction as evidence of the process.
  • Task 2: Find suitable background images online and save these to your G-drive) send a link to me for printing.


  • Task 1: Use the resources provided in your box to complete your characters. Photograph these final stages of construction as evidence of the process.
  • Task 2: Find suitable background images online and save these to your G-drive) send a link to me for printing.




Riel & Nathan:

Adam, Amir & Dior:

  • Task 1: Complete your market research into comic books focused on a theme of your choice. Ask for help if you need ideas about useful search terms. You aim is to collect examples of comic book art and storylines with your chosen theme, and also information about the target audience for each example.You will need at least three examples.
  • Task 2: Brain storm ideas for your own Graphic narrative on this theme.
  • Ext: Write a short (single paragraph) description of your strongest idea.