To complete your Graphic Narrative Unit and gain a Pass/Merit/Distinction overall your need to evaluate your final piece. Below is the evaluation assessment criteria for Merit:
M3 "Explain own graphic narrative work with reference to detailed illustrative examples* and with generally correct use of subject terminology**"
*This means that within your evaluation you need to offer reasons for the creative choices that you've made e.g character design, storyline, graphic style etc; and back up these reasons with ether examples of other published comic book etc AND/OR feedback from your audience.
**As you write you also need to use appropriate media terms where you can ( Eg Protagonist/Antagonist, Supporting Characters, Storyline, Narrative Structure (linear,non-linear, open/closed etc) Foreground/Background, Longshot/Mid Shot/ Close up. Target Audience etc).
Evaluation Step by Step Guide:
1) When you have finished your layout export it as a PDF file - you will be able to share this with your target audience.
2) Use google 'forms' to create an audience feedback questionnaire. This is an easy way to collect data which you can use to support points in your evaluation.
3) When making your questionnaire think carefully what you want to find out (e.g do people understand certain aspects of the story?, Do certain aspects of the visual style create the atmosphere that you wanted? etc) and chose the answer type from the drop down menu.
4) Remember to insert a copy of your final layout at the top of your questionnaire so that the audience can look at it first!
5) Send it out to at least 5 relevant people.
5) Use screen grabs/quotes from your feedback / examples from your initial research to help you discuss the +/- of your final piece.
Below are Questions to help you structure your evaluation:
- What genre of Graphic Narrative narrative did you set out to produce and who was the target audience?
- To what extent do you feel you managed to meet the conventions of this genre eg achieve a look and feel similar to other published examples?
- To what extent did you audience understand the genre that you were aiming for?
- What were the biggest creative challenges that you found during the production process and how did you overcome them?
- Which aspects of the character design / graphic styling did you receive positive feedback on?
- Did you make any adjustments to your original plan as you worked in order to improve the characters or storyline?
- What would you do differently in terms of styling of technique in future?